Product Overview

The SEL FOR ALL curriculum currently contains modules K-5 on Responsibility, Honesty, and Understanding Emotions as well as lesson plans for each module for learning facilitators.   


LIBRARY of content

Within each module are discrete objectives, such as the consequences of choices and actions, responsible use of others belongings, and naming emotions. Learning facilitators have access to a dashboard to determine which students are on track, have achieved mastery, or need additional support.

self Paced Learning

Students can drive their own learning by accessing Playlists consisting of REVIEW, LEARN, DO, ASSESS and REFLECT cards on the learning platform

Each objective also comes with a lesson plan for small group and peer to peer activities so students apply what they are learning and develop SEL skills



student mastery and data

In each module, students take a short assessment to determine mastery of the concepts

Teachers or Learning Guides have access to a dashboard to see which students are on track, which students have achieved mastery and which students need help